Yesterday was such a great day! It started out cloudy but soon became a beautiful crisp, clear day. Brian and I headed out early on a beautiful two hour drive upstate. All the spring flowers were in bloom and I had my camera. Locating the breeder was an adventure through upstate farm country and we were both surprised at how gorgeous and well-kept the area was. We'd been half expecting to find a trailer park but nothing could be further from the truth.
Her farm (mostly horses) is lovely and well kept. She herself was friendly and showed us around. All of her adult CKC Spaniels run around freely, greeting visitors. Brian and I jokingly called them the welcoming committee. We'd wondered if we'd be allowed to see the conditions in the puppy area of if she would just bring them out to us. No worries...she brought us right in...showed us everything. So many puppies!
We liked the litter of a female named Winter's Treasure. She was a sweet, good natured dog who didn't object to her pups being handled. There were three little girls in the litter. One was a bit more brown than we liked but the other two were nicely colored and looked very like each other. Brian and I passed them back and forth, trying to decide which was the prettier one...as if there was truly a difference :)
One of them had two little brown spots on the back of her head and the breeder called her double-dot. When I first held her, I noticed right away that she was much feistier than her sister. I must have been chatting with Brian and the breeder for nearly 20 minutes and the feisty pup in my arms was silent so I assumed she'd fallen asleep. But when I looked down at her, she had her chin resting on my chest, wide awake and looking at me. My heart decided...this was my puppy.